by dsirak | Jan 28, 2011 | 01-29-11 Homes for Heroes, Beef
What’s better on a chilly winter day than Chili and Cornbread – nothing! It’s perfect so let the snow fall turn on the game and kick back and relax dinner is on the stove and it smells so good. This is an easy, quick version full of flavor and easy on the chef. ...
by dsirak | Jan 28, 2011 | 01-29-11 Homes for Heroes
Members of the military, police officers, firefighters, and teachers — they’re our heroes. Join us Saturday as we present stories of a community giving back by offering service members large discounts when buying, selling, or refinancing a home. Do you...
by dsirak | Jan 28, 2011 | 01-29-11 Homes for Heroes, Mortgage
Laurie Lawton Scott, Senior Mortgage Consultant 928-699-6811
by dsirak | Jan 28, 2011 | 01-29-11 Homes for Heroes, Real Estate
Dena Plane, Broker Abbie Roses, Realtor 928-443-8800 Office
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