Winterize Your Home – Avoid Damage

Winterize your home to avoid unnecessary damage Clean gutters, well-ventilated attic will alleviate ice damage. Provided by     Homes react to weather changes, too, and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry has tips that can help homeowners...

Warm Colors Heat Up Your Home’s Style

Heat up your home’s style during the cold winter months with warm colors, fabrics and accessories.  This season’s hues range from rich reds and aubergines to icy whites and blues.  Read more:

Preventing Ice Dams

Ice dams are formed when heat from the inside of a home escapes into the attic and warms the roof decking during the winter. This heat, combined with heat from the sun, can melt snow on the roof.  Melting snow on the upper roof and in the valleys then runs down...